Saturday 22 February 2020

That's a Wrap! A final post

Dear French Foodie,

It's not you, it's me...

Maybe some of you have already noticed that a few months ago I quietly changed my handles on social media and stopped updating the blog. I've tried to do a bit of an Irish exit but changed my mind and decided to write one last blog post, as it didn't feel right to just leave it like that.

I started this blog one evening of August 2012 on the sofa of my tiny rented Dublin 1 apartment. At that time, it was a great escape from a job I hated. I would have never thought that this virtual space would change my life in so many ways.

Not only did I share all my recommendations and even a bit of my life here, but it was also a big part of who I was while I went through some of the most important events of my life so far. Like many relationships though, the blog didn't pass the 7-year itch. Last year after my graduation, I realised that I'd outgrown it and that it was time for a change. 2019 was a very busy year during which I focused on reaching personal and professional goals which are now successfully ticked off my list. I'm aware that most of last year's achievements would have never happened without this blog. I turned me into an entrepreneur, it boosted my confidence, it nurtured my obsession for food and made me a different person altogether, someone who believes anything is possible if you really want it. It taught me so much more than I could have imagined and I'll forever be grateful to it and the people who followed it. That said, I feel like it's time to close the French Foodie chapter.

This is my final post here and I would like to thank you all the lovely people who followed all my recommendations. Without you, FFID would have never lasted as long as it did. While I'm saying au revoir to FFID, I'm not leaving completely. I don't think I'll ever delete this blog but it will not be updated anymore.

From now on, I'm putting everything under Delicious Dublin Tours. It's easier for me to focus on the brand I'm making a living from. My former social media handles have been changed to Delicious Dublin Tours on Instagram and Facebook and @dublinfoodtours on Twitter. I will keep sharing my recommendations on those channels. I will also post independent reviews of places I'm happy to recommend on Delicious Dublin Tours' website, which will allow me to still write about all the food places I love as I don't want to completely stop writing.

I'm not doing a dramatic adieu, just announcing where I can be found next if you still wish to follow my updates. Once again, a huge thank you for the support over the last seven years!


Ketty Quigley